

Naoshima is a small island in the Seto Inland Sea of Japan which holds a unique blend of traditional fishing villages and art the Seto Inland Sea of Japan holds a unique blend of traditional fishing villages and art projects.    Here you can see...
Mt Fuji

Mt Fuji

Yamanakako, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan After 37 years, I got the chance to re-visit Mt Fuji. A wonderful Japanese host treated my daughter and I to a spectacular hotel room with a view at the XIV (pronounced Excibu) Resort Yamanaka Ko....
Lotus & Cicadas

Lotus & Cicadas

The sound of cicadas singing in the trees, the beauty of the lotus flowers in a temple compound – these are such vibrant memories still alive in memory from a recent visit to Kyoto and Kamakura in the late Japanese summer. The heat and humidity is made bearable by the...
Kinkaku Ji Temple

Kinkaku Ji Temple

At the Zen Buddhist temple of Rokuonji, more famously known as Kinkakuji (the temple of the golden pavilion), nestled in the foothills of north-west Kyoto, you will find this famous gold-plated building. The history dates back to 1397. In 1950 the...
Japan the beautiful and myself

Japan the beautiful and myself

In December 1968 Japan’s first Nobel Laureate, novelist Yasunari Kawabata, began his Nobel lecture entitled “Japan the Beautiful and Myself” with these words: “In the spring, cherry blossoms, in the summer the cuckoo.In autumn the moon, and in winter the snow, clear,...