Sake Barrels at Shinto Shrine

Sake Barrels at Shinto Shrine

A wall of Sake Barrels A great wall of colourful Saké Barrels can be seen along the path to Meiji Jingu, the main Shinto Shrine in Tokyo.  The barrels are wrapped in straw and have wonderful unique graphics.  However, as an article in the Japan Times website...
Nikko – World Heritage

Nikko – World Heritage

A long day return trip by Shinkansen and local train from Tokyo brings you to Nikko, approximately 85 miles (140 kms) to the north.This is home to a World Heritage temple complex nestled into a mountainside packed with centuries old cedars.You arrive at the restored...
Nara – home of deer and Buddha

Nara – home of deer and Buddha

Nara, a former capital city of Japan is home to free-ranging deer, and one of Japan’s largest statues of the Buddha.  The Buddha’s statue is housed in the world’s largest wooden building.  Yet this building, the temple Todaiji, is a reconstruction dating from 1692 is...
Lotus & Cicadas

Lotus & Cicadas

The sound of cicadas singing in the trees, the beauty of the lotus flowers in a temple compound – these are such vibrant memories still alive in memory from a recent visit to Kyoto and Kamakura in the late Japanese summer. The heat and humidity is made bearable by the...